Wednesday, March 23, 2016

First post

Hey guys have you ever wondered why game companies haven't released any rated T games lately? Even big games that shouldn't be rated M for little things like language and violence. Why should teens have to find old rated T games because Ubisoft,Netherrealm and other game companies won't make any rated T games. I have been upset because all I can do is watch people on

YouTube play awesome games like Jacksepticeye and Markiplier.
All the companies have to do is give the signal and they can come up with new games in 2 to 3 months, but they want to focus on the adults and make tons of rated M games. You guys might say "If you are complaining so much, why don't you make it yourself ?" I don't have the time I have school and homework to do and summer I will try but I highly doubt it. I really am upset about this, but I need to get my head in the game. I feel like this is a huge problem and it is getting to me and other people (I hope) I really struggle on doing something for the first time so please tell me if I did good and what I can work on. My next blog maybe be talking about the game company "The Behemoth"I want to know what you guys have to say about this so please comment on this and I hope you guys are having a good time see you soon.


  1. really? T rated games that you cant even play until June? Really ? ur mad at the companies because they dont make games for little kids ? BRUH

  2. good blog. I see what you mean that you want more games to be t rated. I totally agree with you i would like more games to be T rated. And why you are mad since you can't play alot of games.

  3. good blog. I see what you mean that you want more games to be t rated. I totally agree with you i would like more games to be T rated. And why you are mad since you can't play alot of games.
