Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Spring Break

Spring Break is that week long break that us students deserve after all the tests and hard work we go through. If there was no more Spring break I know thousands maybe even millions of students would be very upset. Spring break is the third longest break of the school year. (Longest: Summer Break, Second longest: Winter break.) Students need this break more than anyone else in the school. They are the ones studying for tests, thinking hard during class, and fighting to stay awake in the most boring classes.
Teachers think it is hard to be at school well the students have it worst, we have to maintain our grades just to stay in after school activities, we have to watch the clock waiting for the bell to ring, we have to do tons of homework for different classes, we have to study for tests, and we have to finish multiple projects due around the same time period. Students need a break from school and just hang out with their friends and spend time with their family. Students can finally have fun and socialize out of school without getting in trouble with teachers or principals. Teachers also get a chance to take a break from kids yelling, fighting, talking back, being rude, and saying dumb questions.


  1. I enjoyed all the gifs that you added and your opinions on spring break. Good job. 10/10

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
